SCEA Statement on Pueblo District 60 Policy ACA

Tonight’s 3-2 vote by the Pueblo District 60 Board of Education requiring parental notification of a student’s request to use a chosen name is direct assault on LGBTQ+ youth. This vote shows that Board Members Pannunzio, DeNiro, and Cisneros clearly have no regard for the safety and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ students. SCEA thanks Board Members Maes and Thiebaut for their thoughtful and compassionate desire to protect each and every student.

In light of the vote and the harmful rhetoric around it, we want to be sure to share crisis and support resources. If you or someone you know needs help, please check out SCEA's Crisis and Support Resource page:

As SCEA and our partners work on next steps, we ask that you share your feelings with the Board of Education and Superintendent. Please also share your gratitude to Board Members Maes and Thiebaut for their effort to protect D60 Students.

Send Emails

The following links should take you directly to your email with the template. You can also copy and paste email templates below.

Email your thanks to Board Member Dennis Maes (Please edit before sending)

Email your thanks to Board Member Bill Thiebaut (Please edit before sending)

Email the Board of Eduction and Superintendent to express your concern regarding Policy ACA as adopted. (Please edit before sending)

Email to Board Member Dennis Maes


Subject: Thank You


Judge Maes,

Thank you for your effort to protect each and every student in Pueblo District 60. We know extremist agendas targeting LGBTQ+ youth have no place in Pueblo and we sincerely thank you for taking a stand against these dangerous ideas.

[Please add any personal story or customize as you'd like]

Please know that our community will continue the work to protect our LGTBQ+ youth. We appreciate your continued effort as we work together.

Thank you again,


Email to Board Member Dennis Maes


Subject: Thank You


Mr. Thiebaut,

Thank you for your effort to protect each and every student in Pueblo District 60. We know extremist agendas targeting LGBTQ+ youth have no place in Pueblo and we sincerely thank you for taking a stand against these dangerous ideas.

[Please add any personal story or customize as you'd like]

Please know that our community will continue the work to protect our LGTBQ+ youth. We appreciate your continued effort as we work together.

Thank you again,


Email to the full Board of Education and Superintendent Kimzey


Subject: Policy ACA


Board of Education and Superintendent Kimzey,

I am a [Parent/Guardian/Student/Concerned Community Member] writing to express my extreme disappointment that Policy ACA was passed including a mandatory parental notification in all cases. As approved, this policy is a direct threat to the safety and wellbeing of transgender and nonbinary youth. Dismissing the lived experience of many LGBTQ+ people and parents of LGBTQ+ youth truly felt like a slap in the face.

[Please insert any personal story you are comfortable sharing or other thoughts]

Please know that our community will continue the work to protect our LGTBQ+ youth. We would prefer to do this work in partnership with the Board of Education, but it is now evident that the Board has little to no concern for LGBTQ+ Youth.

Sincerely disappointed,

